Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Everest Base Camp Trek Day 5 – Acclimatisation Day in Pangboche

Overnight in Pangboche, I struggled to fall asleep and found it very difficult to breathe: the effects of high altitude were starting to show. We were now nearly 4000 meters above sea level. We chose to be conservative and take the recommended rest day in Pangboche. I certainly needed to rest, recover and stretch my muscles after punishing my body the day before. Chris and I spent the morning reading and resting, before visiting Pangboche Monastery in a short hour and a half walk.

Still smiling after a rough night

Enjoying the fresh air during our acclimatisation trek
We reached the monastery after a short uphill climb. Here, Tibetan prayer flags sanctify the air and pacify the gods. They are adorned by pictures of the wind horse which carries the prayers to the four corners of the earth. The flags are five colours which all have a different meaning: white for air, yellow for earth, red for fire, blue for space and green for water. Along the way, there are walls of carved mani stones with the Tibetan Buddhist mantra Om mani padme hum.

Mani walls and Tibetan flags
When we returned from our walk, we took an afternoon nap. Taking it easy definitely felt good! We were in bed at 8pm and sound asleep soon after. Oh the life in the mountains! 

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