Thursday, June 3, 2010

We have both landed safe and sound!

It started out bad as soon as I got to Ottawa airport : my flight had been canceled. Continental Airline rerouted me through Air Canada, who had higher restrictions concerning flying me to Thailand without a return ticket. I knew that the Thais wouldn’t make any fuss about it, but apparently the Canadians were. So they made me buy a return ticket and promised me it was refundable. My new route was Ottawa-Frankfurt-Delhi-Bangkok-Phuket.

I was not able to sleep one second on the 1st flight so I was a bit grumpy in Frankfurt airport. Happily, the plane going to Dehli (Air Asia) was nearly empty and the big comfy seats made up for any lack of comfort on the Air Canada flight. I probably slept 5 of the 7 hour flight. I was in good shape in Delhi airport, and loved looking at the beautiful saran’s worn by the Indian women. I had to wait a few hours there. I sat beside an Indian couple on my flight to Bangkok. I barely slept there either cause we didn’t have much space and I kept receiving elbow hits from my neighbour.

Landing in Bangkok was very exciting – probably the most excited I had been until then because of the lack of sleep. I am a very ashamed to admit it, but with the excitement, I actually left my ‘purse’ on the plane, with my passport and Thai Baht. Needless to say I thought I started my trip as a stupid farang. I met a lovely Thai security man and he was very kind in helping me. I noticed very quickly that I had forgotten it and some passengers were still exiting the plane. We found it quite easily and I was surprised to see everything was still in it! It hadn't left my seat. After the security guard reassured me that I wasn’t a stupid farang and that it can happen to anyone (to be stupid) he let me jump the line to cross customs right away, not without leaving me his business card with his email address so I could ‘tell him if I got the job’. My first encounter with Thai people was great!
I was relieved to see my backpack arrive with the rest of the luggage. Few! I then proceeded to check-in my flight from BKK to Phuket and waited for Chris, who arrived about 30 minutes later! It was great to finally be with him. All his flights went as planned and he says the food was amazing (first thing he told me!!

We were both very tired on our last flight (from Bangkok to Phuket) but it was only over an hour. Landing was great as we got to see the coast, many beautiful islands and the clear water.... breathtaking!

We had booked two nights in a small hotel in Phuket Town called Talang Guest House which isn’t bad. My first impression of the town is that it’s a lot poorer and dirtier than I had imagined, but this goes with Phuket town reputation. There are too many cockroaches on the street if you ask me, but I guess it can’t be worse than living with them in Spain! We weren’t planning on staying here long anyway, but I ate my first pad thai and it was very nice.

Our plan for tomorrow is to go around the work agencies and see what they say about teaching jobs. We would like to get half-sorted before traveling around. It’s night time here and 30oc so I am already scared for tomorrow! Hopefully I will feel more rested and ready to live in this heat!
Speak soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!
    I'm sorry Chris but i'm not good enought to write in english!!
    Quelle aventure!!! Je suis contente d'avoir des nouvelles de vous. J'espère que la recherche d'emploi se fait bien pour vous deux. J'imagine que le choc culturel doit être assez important. Profitez des merveilles que vous offre la Thaïlande et reposez vous. J'ai hâte de voir des photos.
    Cynthia xxxx
