Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day and Night in Patong

I have been putting off writing because it's hard to get my head around what to say about Patong. It is loud, it is flashy... Sometimes it's amusing, sometimes it's heartbreaking : the beggars, the sellers, the Thai massages, the tuk-tuks, the prostitution, the smell of petrol and fish...

We spent one night out and we enjoyed it. Met nice people and had a good laugh. But that was it for our nightlife. Everything's is a bit too much here. Wherever you walk people are trying to sell you things, to shake your hand, the get you inside their shop...

The rain falls are impressive : violent, sudden, destructive. No umbrella will protect you from it! You either jump in the storm and expect coming out soaking wet or hide somewhere until it stops.

You can get anything here, but everything has a price. I am already tired of eating rice, getting other food is expensive. We pack up on fruits from the market and leave it in our fridge for when we're in need of refreshment : mangoes, papayas, melons, bananas, lychees, dragon fruit...

Today I had an interview at HeadStart International School in Phuket. It went great and they offered me a very well paid position. The school is awesome, very small, very clean and new. The classes are no bigger than 16 students! The only problem is they follow the British school year and I would only start 16th August. I don't know if I can afford waiting that long without employment... I will have to weigh my options now!

Speak later for more news!

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