Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The birthplace of the Buddha

The main draw to Lumbini is visiting the area where Buddha was born. Maya Devi temple is a very famous Buddhist pilgrimage site. There is a small fee to pay for entering the site, set in a sacred garden. Visitors must leave their shoes outside the park.

Maya Devi temple
In 563 BC, Queen Maya Devi was said to give birth to Siddharta Gaudama under a tree. You can see the sacred pond where she bathed prior to giving birth, a stone with the footprint of the newborn prince and the Ashokan pillar. 

Sacred pond
An impressive Bodhi tree adorned with prayer flags is considered sacred since its branch supported Maya Devi while she was giving birth. Every day, hundreds of monks, Buddhists and pilgrims gather around the tree at dawn or dusk to chant, pray and meditate.

Visitors pay their respect to the tree with offerings and prayers

Buddhist monks meditating under the tree  
It was a very special moment to be part of as spectators. Monks chanted in unison as onlookers gave donations. Different groups of pilgrims sat a bit further doing their own prayers out loud. Chinese groups used a special drum to mark the beat of their incantations. All the sounds mixed up together in a powerful melody while we sat there observing and soaking up the peaceful atmosphere. I thought it was interesting that different Buddhist practices could share the grounds without discord.

Sacred Bodhi tree and monks
Hatred never ceases by hatred. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law.  -Buddha

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