Friday, May 28, 2010

4 dodos!

Chris is in England enjoying some time with his family and friends. I am at home with my family and getting ready to leave! All the vaccines are done and packing is nearly over!

I had a telephone interview to teach at Songkla University in Phuket! The interviewer was very friendly and honest enough to tell me the university wasn't offering a very high salary and that I would get much better offers once I am in person in Phuket. It was kind of flattering (and surprising) to have a job offer to teach at university level, but I know I will be much happier teaching kids... plus I have read everywhere not to accept a job offer from abroad so I will wait 'til I'm there to make any decision!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Only 2 weeks to departure!

Here are the news so far...
Julie will be travelling for nearly 27 hours from Ottawa to Bangkok, landing at 6:55 am.
Chris will be departing from London and arriving in Bangkok at 7:50 am.
Because of the recent political turmoil, we have decided to skip Bangkok altogether, and upon arrival, we will be hopping on yet another plane directly from Bangkok airport to Phuket, down southern Thailand. Hopefully, this will be the safer option! We are keeping an eye on the developments and it looks like things are stable in most parts of the country. Southern Thailand seems safe!

We have been in contact with different schools and agencies in Thailand, but we are waiting to be there before making any commitment.

Right now, we are focused on moving out of our Montreal appartment and enjoying our last days in Quebec!